[DD App] Day 0 – Introduction


Hi All,

I am back from a vacation. I would get back and complete my Android Tutorial series soon. But meanwhile, I have started to work on my android application called “DelightfullDiscoveries”.

If you guys follow me, I have another blog called Delightfull Discoveries where I publish recipes and book reviews. I decided to create an app for that blog and publish it on Google App Store. It is one of my goals for this year.

In this series DD App, I will be publishing my progress. The posts will be published on every alternate day.

Since I am building this app incrementally, the final app will be totally different from the interim screenshots we will see in each post.

Today I employed 2 Pomodoros, i.e. 50 minutes for the application development.

Here is what I did today:

  1. Created a new project “DelightfullDiscoveries“.
  2. Changed the ConstraintsLayout to LinearLayout in the layout_main.xml.
  3. Added ScrollView as the main element in LinearLayout.
  4. Then added a TextView to the ScrollView. This TextView is going to hold the test data for now.
  5. Implemented the menu, will add more functionality later.
  6. Using git for version control. Created a local git repository for the project. Then added initial code to the master branch. Next created a working branch where I am committing the changes I make.


Files Edited: MainActivity.java, activity_main.xml.


This is how the app looks right now.


PlaceHolder Text


Thanks for reading, see you all in the next post.